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The historical process of children’s games is a fascinating subject that reflects the cultural, social, and historical context of different periods and societies. The concept of children’s play and games has evolved over time and has been influenced by various factors, such as societal norms, technological advancements, and educational theories. Here’s a general overview of the historical process of children’s games:

1. Ancient Times: Children’s play has existed throughout history, with ancient civilizations having their own forms of play and games. In early societies, children likely engaged in activities such as running, jumping, and playing with simple toys. These games often mirrored the skills and roles valued in the adult world, and outdoor activities were prevalent.

2. Medieval and Renaissance Period: During the medieval and Renaissance periods, children’s play was influenced by the social structure of the time. Children’s games often reflected societal values and customs, and certain games were used to teach moral lessons and social skills. Toys and games often reflected the materials and technology available at the time.

3. Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in children’s play. Advances in manufacturing led to the mass production of toys, and urbanization created new environments for play. Board games, dolls, and toys became more prevalent, and leisure time for children became more structured.

4. 20th Century: The 20th century saw a dramatic increase in the variety and availability of children’s games and toys. The rise of mass media, including radio, television, and eventually digital technology, influenced the types of games and toys that children engaged with. Educational theories also began to influence the design and purpose of children’s playthings.

5. Contemporary Era: In the modern era, children’s games continue to evolve alongside technological advancements. Video games, computer-based educational games, and digital interactive toys have become an integral part of children’s play experiences. However, there is also a growing movement emphasizing the importance of traditional and unstructured play.

Throughout these historical periods, children’s games have been shaped by cultural practices, educational philosophies, and societal changes. The study of the historical process of children’s games provides valuable insights into the changing perceptions and experiences of childhood, as well as the influence of historical, social, and technological developments on children’s play.

Ceyda Işık Kumyalı

Author Ceyda Işık Kumyalı

2002 yılında Uludağ Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümünden mezun olduktan sonra birkaç farklı iş dalında çalışıp yapmak istediğim işe karar verme sürecinin ardından 2008 yılında biblioteka kültür merkezinde Sevgili Gazi Ünsal ile çalışmaya başladım. Burası hayatımda dönüm noktası oldu. 14 yıl burada dil eğitimi programlarının planlanıp, organize edilmesinden; çeşitli kişisel gelişim seminerlerinin programlanmasına kadar bir çok konuda biblioteka kültür merkezinde yönetici konumunda çalıştım. 2022 yılında biblioteka kültür merkezi kapanınca DORE Mentor olarak kendi şirketimi kurdum ve aynı ruhla çalışmaya devam ediyoruz....

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