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Turkey’s geopolitical importance is quite high and it has a strategic location. In many respects, due to its geographical location and historical background, Turkey plays a decisive role in regional and global balances. Here are some thoughts on Turkey’s geopolitical importance:

1. Geographical location: Turkey, located in the west of Asia and east of Europe, has many important geographical transition points. Its strategic access to the Straits and the Black Sea makes Turkey a critical point for maritime trade and energy transportation.

2. Regional stability: Turkey borders key regions such as the Middle East, the Caucasus and Southeastern Europe. This enables Turkey to play a decisive role in regional stability, security and diplomatic relations.

3. NATO membership: Turkey is an important member of NATO and has a strategically important position. This situation enables Turkey to play an active role in regional security and defense policies.

4. Energy corridors and projects: Turkey hosts important energy corridors and projects. Energy deposits and energy transmission lines, especially in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, make Turkey the center of energy policies.

5. Cultural interaction: Turkey is at the point of interaction of both European and Asian cultures. This situation increases the importance of Turkey in cultural and economic relations.

As a result, Turkey’s geographical location, strategic importance, military power, cultural interactions and economic potential show that it has a geopolitically important position. The role played by Turkey in international relations is of great importance as it contributes to regional stability and is influential in global dynamics.

Ceyda Işık Kumyalı

Author Ceyda Işık Kumyalı

2002 yılında Uludağ Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümünden mezun olduktan sonra birkaç farklı iş dalında çalışıp yapmak istediğim işe karar verme sürecinin ardından 2008 yılında biblioteka kültür merkezinde Sevgili Gazi Ünsal ile çalışmaya başladım. Burası hayatımda dönüm noktası oldu. 14 yıl burada dil eğitimi programlarının planlanıp, organize edilmesinden; çeşitli kişisel gelişim seminerlerinin programlanmasına kadar bir çok konuda biblioteka kültür merkezinde yönetici konumunda çalıştım. 2022 yılında biblioteka kültür merkezi kapanınca DORE Mentor olarak kendi şirketimi kurdum ve aynı ruhla çalışmaya devam ediyoruz....

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